Position: Managing Partner Human Capital + Finance
Name of firm: HLB Zambia
Profession: Human Capital Specialist
Nationality: Zambian
Lusungu Kayela, LLB ( UNZA), MBA HRM (UNZA),
Lusungu is a member of the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) with a valid practicing license.
Lusungu is cardinal in guiding us on the Human Capital side of business and brings to our team valuable HR experience of over 10 years, necessary for the growth of our company. She is a board member of Blackgold Ventures as well as Seeff Properties. Lusungu has been part of the team that managed Seeff Properties Zambia as a green field business and has been instrumental to its transformation into one of the leading property companies in Zambia.
She is conversant with handling:
Independent members of HLB International. A world-wide network of accounting firms and business advisers. HLB International Limited is registered in England Under reg. No. 218122 Limited by Guarantee.